Journey to the lord of the earth (and rest of universe)

First Time
This is first time, i am blogging from mobile.This is first time, it has been 3 days and i have not touched my computer. This is first time, i am proud of myself. This is first time, god is loving me so much. Though this is not the first time that someone claimed to be my true friend but this is first time i know they really are. This is first time fear of loosing someone is winning over the joy of having got them. It feels vulnerable. It's 2306 hrs and i am in jallandher. Next morning i will be going to a journey to the lord of the earth. The adobe of ultimate wowguru, my father, my sabkuch, The EMPEROR WAHEGURU! and this will be the first time i will be praying for someone else before i pray for me.

The Morning
It's 0320 hrs, this mere  4hr night had been too long for me. The first thing i did was to send a text  to my assets. They are not physically present here but i am going to take them along through this blog and they will register their prescence with their surti.
Its 0600hrs and i am in bus. With the loud voices of guru gobind's given "jo bole so nihaal sat sri akal" the journey commenced. God Bless.

Adolescence and logo design

The adolescence is a time when brains are farded with inch thick emotions so that new connections (synapses) could be built underneath. Scientifically this period comes in teen age but I have seen even older kids who suffer from serious emotional inconsistency. Cutting the crap to short my mood is again wrecked up handling tears and smiles that belong to this teenage of mine. It’s the best time to take another chapter from html5 foundation series and bust these ill thoughts.

It’s been an hour and its 1715hrs according to my Samsung galaxy and I have finished the “further into canvas” a chapter of the book “foundation html5 canvas”. This has been one of those few rare times when even coding or scripting dint lead to freedom from emotional inconsistencies. May be the similarity in the syntax of html5 canvas to actionscript3 flash canvas is the culptrr (culprit) because learning something new is what that makes me forget everything and this was technically not new. May be I need to find something else.

3 hours to GSOC results and HTML5 Canvas

It’s 2130hrs and I don’t know whether it’s the effect of sequence of events that occurred last night, or the extra sleep that I took in the evening that I am feeling low. At present, I am done with listening to emotional songs, sitting under stars for more than an hour but emptiness still prevails. Getting my mind off these ill thoughts would not be difficult. I just need to indulge myself in something. So the first thing would be to find that “something”.

 Gsoc results will be announced on 0027hrs and till that I m lame to do anything. vigasdeep(e-jerk) is online, and talking to this awesome jerk is always a pleasure. 

It’s 2140hrs and its decided, I will play a bit with

Bhayia, we need it in a week.

It's hard to explain the complexity of the time span when juniors come to you and ask for help in their project because they didn't get good teachers and they have already tried a lot. I usually never deny and take it as a challenge, this is the time when you can test your skills, build new one and even do a good deed while making new friends. Recently, I got a new challenge. They want to have a python based project in a week, they want to learn python, and then be good in it and hence make a project and all that in a week. Yes, even a 14 year old teen who knows that python is something more than snake in their village farm would say it's impossible, but then the girls were sweet and they just requested in a way i could not resist. So challenge is on! but you know? what the worst thing is? Even I don't know python. I never wrote a line of code in python. Let's see what could be done in a week.
[to be continued].... 

Let's have a mass bunk now

I remember the moment i entered into my B.Tech class for first time, all i could see was bunch of kids that were forced out of high schools, smashing thier heads in the costly benches of  C.E.T and IIT and AIEEE training centers so that they could hence be forced to enter engineering colleges and pay tons of rupees to adjust prefix Er. in front of their names. I have today spent a year with them, if i leave few exceptions there is no one who is passionate about the engineering field they have chosen. Forget about being passionate (it was insult for the word) they don't even

From Now Onwards

After doing diploma for three years, and ending up with second year of my graduation, on the first day of relief i  have this feeling, this desire to start up a blog, well this is not for the first time i am starting up a blog (and ending them up within a week or a month utmost) but for sure this is the first time i am gearing up for a blog that i don't know what it will be about.

O.K! i won't lie, i have just ended up watching movie 'The Social Network' for may be around 30th time, it's just like a regular dose to me, because the nerd shown in it, has so many things that's me, to make it clear he is not my role model but yeah, i am kind of impressed with the character and mostly harvard. The best part of the movie, is the creation of facemash, the way he blogs simultaneously while he works on facemash is cool, and that's the reason i have come up with urgent instinct to bring up this blog. My downloading limits are all broken down, may be i can think of a bit slower but unlimited internet now. So i wish and i pray that i am regular From Now Onwards..