Driving Distance Calculator using Google Maps API

I had a post on Google Drive API few days back, It was just an introduction to Google Drive API and yesterday I got an opportunity to taste Google Maps API for the first time. The problem was We had to calculate Distance between two points and then send it to the database using django framework (django work was not done by me as I don't know anything about it). My task was to just get the distance and store it in a variable, and send it via form. Creating the front end application for distance calculator is very easy and even beginner with intermediate knowledge of HTML and Javascript can create it in just few minutes.

World's Longest Palindrome

You might have created a palindrome program in your basic oops class. But have you ever thought of creating the biggest palindrome sentence. Though with some counter -claims Peter Norvig has been a ble to find a 17,826 word palindrome. The program he used was written by him in just few hours after his kids were asleep. Read full story here. The palindrome sentence goes like this.
A man, a plan, a cameo, Zena, Bird, Mocha, Prowel, a rave,
Uganda, Wait, a lobola, Argo, Goto, Koser, Ihab, Udall, a revocation,
Ebarta, Muscat, eyes, Rehm, a cession, Udella, E-boat, OAS, a mirage,
IPBM, a caress, Etam, FCA, a mica, Ojai, Lebowa, Yaeger, a barge, Rab,

The Code Linux

It's 0104hrs and I am up yet, I have finished watching some selected scenes of social network, watched Pirates of Silicon Valley and now watching documentary The Code Linux. Movies such as these, provide motivation and a feel and make you remember what you are aimed at.
Due to illness that I suffered from last 15days, I was little depressed so decided to watch these videos that put me on track and make me wake up excited as I am living my dream, I am about to become a computer engineer, only worry I have is Will I be a good engineer?. This question haunts me a lot. I am person that wants to change the world. Put a dent in this world, make some recognition. I want to live my life as a legend. All these are but yet dreams, I keep on pushing myself to turn them into goals and not just dreams. I am embedding this documentary from The Code Linux.

This is another video that I love